Customizable coin flip
Customizable coin flip

customizable coin flip

But flipping a coin is much more than simply determining who goes first. It’s only when we drastically cut back the likelihood of a heads turning up that both players have approximately the same chances of winning.įun stuff! Play around with the function as you like to see how different numbers of simulations and probabilities for heads effect the likelihood of player 1 winning.The flip of a coin can be an exciting way to decide who gets to go first in a game or the loser of a bet. What if we really scale back the likelihood of a head appearing? Say, if heads only came up 1% of the time? P1_win_prob_weighted_coin_game(50000. With a weighted coin coming up heads 75% of flips, player 1 would be expected to win about 80% of the time. What if we adjust the probability of the coin turning up heads? What if the coin has a 75% chance of coming up heads? P1_win_prob_weighted_coin_game(50000. In fact, player 1 has about a 2/3 chance of winning the game as a result of flipping first, even when using a fair coin. Over 50,000 games, we see that player 1 has a distinct advantage by going first. Okay! Now that we have written our function, let’s play 50,000 games with a fair coin and see what results: P1_win_prob_weighted_coin_game(50000) 0.66848 This will be expressed as a decimal win percentage. Once all simulations have been run, the function returns the number of games won by player 1 divided by the total number of games played. return float(player_one_wins)/float(num_games) We also change the value of “win” to 1.0, which will break off the current game, and begin the next game in the preset number of simulations. If player 1 won the game, we add one to our player_one_wins counter at the top of the function. Because player 1 always has the first flip, we know that an odd number of flips means that player 1 was the last player to go, and would therefore be the winner. Once the winning condition is met, we check how many times the coin has been flipped. We can understand this in the following way: if the probability of flipping a heads is 0.6, than 60% of the values between 0 and 1 could be interpreted as a flip of heads (e.g., all of the values between 0.0 and 0.6). If the randomly chosen “turn” value is less than or equal to our set “prob_heads” value, we consider this a winning condition. if turn <= prob_heads: if num_flips % 2 != 0: player_one_wins += 1 win += 1 Each time a turn is taken, we add one to our num_flips counter. Each “turn” constitutes a flip of the coin, which is a randomly selected decimal value between 0 and 1.

customizable coin flip

While win remains equal to zero, the players continue to flip the coin. We also specify a win condition “win” that will help us know when a game has been completed. This both keeps track of how the long the game has gone on, and will help us to determine who the winner is once a heads has been flipped. Now, for every game in the specified number of simulations (e.g., range(0, num_games), we will count the number of coin flips starting from zero. for n in range(0,num_games): num_flips = 0 win = 0 while win = 0: turn = np.random.uniform(0,1) num_flips += 1 We also set a global counter for the number of games won by Player 1, to begin at 0 for each round of simulations. Obviously, we can enter custom probabilities here as we like. We’ll set a default probability of heads to 0.5, in case we simply want to specify a number of games using a fair coin to see what results. We define the name of our function, and specify our two arguments.

customizable coin flip

We begin by importing numpy, as we can utilize its random choice functionality to simulate the coin-flipping mechanism for this game. import numpy as np def P1_win_prob_weighted_coin_game(num_games, prob_heads = 0.5): player_one_wins = 0 Now, let’s walk through this briefly step-by-step. We can simulate this game with the following code: import numpy as np def P1_win_prob_weighted_coin_game(num_games, prob_heads=.5): player_one_wins = 0 for n in range(0,num_games): num_flips = 0 win = 0 while win = 0: turn = np.random.uniform(0,1) num_flips += 1 if turn <= prob_heads: if num_flips % 2 != 0: player_one_wins += 1 win += 1 return float(player_one_wins)/float(num_games)

customizable coin flip

Let’s call this function “P1_win_prob_weighted_coin_game” Let’s write a function that takes in two arguments: 1.) the number of games to be played, and 2.) the probability that a coin flip will result in heads (set to a default of 0.5 or 50%). We can explore this problem with a simple function in python.

Customizable coin flip