Think “The Princess Bride” meets “The Last Starfighter.

“Enter the Warriors Gate” mashes up an old-fashioned, family-friendly fantasy quest - more concerned with magic and high-flying stunts than blood-and-guts - with the tale of an idle youngster who discovers how to put his years of playing adventure games to good use. A teenaged boys entire life changes when he is ripped from. Uriah Shelton stars as Jack, a high school geek who comes into the possession of a mysterious box, which turns out to be a portal to a fantastical version of medieval Asia where a barbarian warrior (Dave Bautista) has abducted a princess (Ni Ni), leaving Jack and the royal’s protector (Mark Chao) to track her down. Get Enter The Warriors Gate DVD and Blu-ray release date, trailer, movie poster and movie stats. Zombies”) and co-screenwriter Robert Kamen (who previously worked with Besson on his “Transporter” and “Taken” series), the French impresario tells a story that encompasses ancient Chinese sword-and-sorcery, teen romance, hip-hop and video games. Working with director Matthias Hoene (best known for the cult hit “Cockneys vs. Enter the Warriors Gate (261) 5.4 1 h PG-13 Epic fantasy-adventure meets martial arts action in this thrilling film written by Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen. Originalus pavadinimas Enter The Warriors Gate.

Like a lot of Luc Besson productions, the international martial arts extravaganza “Enter the Warriors Gate” mostly just assembles multiple salable elements into a shiny package. Paauglys stebuklingai nugabenamas Kinij ir ten imoksta savo vaizdo aidim gdius paversti Kung Fu kario gdiais.